Realism Lineup – Research Methods by Artists in the Context of Realism. Artikel zum Thema artistic research in der Publikation Aesthetics and Anthropology, die neue Texte zum Verhältnis von anthropologischer Forschung und Äesthetik gegenüberstellt. Herausgegeben von Ina-Maria Greverus und Ute Ritschel. 9. Band von TRANS / anthropologische Texte im LIT Verlag.
Realism Lineup – Research Methods by Artists in the Context of Realism. Article on artistic research in the publication Aesthetics and Anthropology, which juxtaposes new texts on the relationship between anthropological research and aesthetics. Edited by Ina-Maria Greverus and Ute Ritschel. 9th volume of TRANS / anthropological texts published by LIT Verlag.